Saturday, March 11, 2023


While filming Sarah getting out of her car and walking up to her front door, we had problems with lighting and shadows. The plan was for me to swivel my body to keep the camera in one place but still twist around to follow Clara to the door. We found one position that worked best for me to produce the upper-body swiveling action, but it made a shadow in the direction of the car after experimenting with numerous different positions. This would be very obvious through the camera. 

Here is the photo:

So I had to distort my body and move slightly so that there would be no shadows. We got the shot, although it's a touch wobbly because we had to forgo ideal positioning to avoid shadows in the frame. As we were recording Clara approaching the door, I asked Melina to use her flashlight to brighten the area on camera so that the car could be noticed more successfully, but you could see the glare in the car's reflection. We had to abandon that as well. We left the lighting alone after experimenting with the exposure on the camera because the lighting would be quite different in real life due to the brightness of the porch light.